This video discusses new features in Power BI that are related to the Modelling Data module of this course.
The Data Pane in the main Power BI window offers the ability to filter and sort the data in a table in your dataset.
Also in the main Power BI window there is now a Mark As Date Table button, and this allows you to tell Power BI which table in your dataset is your date table. This means that certain date and time intelligence DAX calculations are much easier to write, and it also affects how Power BI auto-generates hierarchies on certain date columns.
Q&A, the Power BI natural language query feature, also had some useful updates. You can now use it in Power BI Desktop by clicking Ask A Question or double-clicking in some empty space—this allows you to create a new visual by typing a question. You can also add a Q&A button to a page and this allows an end user of the report, after it has been published, to click and ask their own questions when they are viewing the report in the browser.